
Crystal lake brilliance honda
Crystal lake brilliance honda

crystal lake brilliance honda

This time he “hit the button.” The term of the loan came back from Honda Finance for 48-months at 1.9%. The final straw was when Brett said in a harsh tone- to something to the effect of, “What are you going to do- because I have other deals waiting?” Son asked him again to apply for the 48-month loan term. Cassell’s behavior got the point that my son had to stop and admonish him for the hostile tone he was using with me in response to questions I asked that any buyer has the right to ask. Cassell offered that if Son purchased the $1700+ extended warranty, Brilliance Honda would buy down his interest rate to 1.9% to get him a lower interest rate, yet still at a 60- or 72-month term and not the 48-month term that he continues to request. Son’s significant down payment created “super-equity” and consequently, the need for GAP insurance is unnecessary. During the financing process he offered an extended warranty, which I assume, is customary. The finance manager continued to stall in requesting the shorter 48-month term from the bank. Which he said most likely would result in a new higher 3.9% rate. told him that the 2.9% finance rate quoted by Honda Finance back in April, would be lost if he “hit the button” to apply for the shorter term. The bulling and abusive behavior began when Son asked about the 48-month payment option he had requested. presented my son with two loan options for 60- and 72-months.

crystal lake brilliance honda

After a brief wait, Eva returned and led my son, my husband, and I to an office where she introduced us to Finance Manager Brett Cassell. Prior to meeting with finance, my son shared with Eva that he wanted to see a 48-month work-up in addition to the 60- and 72-month options, she had offered. He also took advantage of the recent college grad discount. The price was as quoted-not a penny over MSRP. assisted Son with deposit contract, loan application and she consistently kept him informed throughout the four-month process until he took possession of the vehicle two days ago. The entire experience with sales associate Eva G. My son purchased a vehicle from Brilliance Honda on 8/6/22. His buying experience with Eva was excellent.

crystal lake brilliance honda

because she truly was wonderful to my son.

Crystal lake brilliance honda update#

Update 1/3/23: I changed the review to 5 stars for Eva G.

Crystal lake brilliance honda